Monday, September 20, 2010


My mashup was inspired by the same thing as Alicias...the Westburo Baptist Church. I took a different twist though. As wonderful as this world may seem to be, there is so much un-necesary hate going on. Therefore, I decided to take clips of different types and forms of hate...because it is not JUST the westburo baptist church that hates homosexuals. There are tons of hate crimes that happen every year becuase of sexual orientation but some of them go unnoticed. We make ourselves out to be this awesome country that promotes freedom, but some people can't even freely discuss their sexual orientation without being hated.

As for fair use, I think I would be okay in court. I twisted the meaning of the song that I used in order to contrast how NOT wonderful this world can be at times. I only used short video clips to demonstrate my point and I twisted the meanings of some of the videos. Overall, I think I used the guidelines of fair use quite well when making my mashup.


  1. You did a good job with the picture and video overlays towards the end.

  2. Very good video. I like all the different levels of pictures that were used. Your message is very strong as well.

  3. I really really liked this. I like that it wasn't purely clips of WBC but also of Ellen and whatever that Massachusetts school thing was. I agree with Jeff, you did a great job with the overlays, and I think maybe you could have done even more (like have that clip of Matthew Shepard and his life dates break out from the pack of all of those overlays...just a thought). I definitely think you'd be good in terms of fair use because WBC certainly isn't trying to say be nice, and your video is pointing out the extreme hate and how terrible it is. Good job.

  4. This is communicating a very important message. I like that you have music but allowed the voices to be heard as well. It flows nicely and would certainly hold up with the Fair Use law since you changed the meanings so much.

  5. This was really powerful - great choice of song, and nice variety of clips. I especially liked the black and white clip from the '50's - you can see where these ideas are rooted and how they've been passed along over generations. Well done!
