Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fair Use

Fair use seems to be a really awesome and useful thing for our society to have. It makes it a lot easier for people to make and create videos, movies and documentaries without having to freak out about copyright issues. Obviously, there are some guidelines but being able to use different footage for certain reasons without getting sued is really helpful. For example, if I were making a documentary about the oil spill in the gulf, I could use media to comment on or critique because of fair use. Secondly, I could show footage of damage happening to the animals in the gulf to illustrate one of the many issues with the oil spill. Of course I would still give credit to the places where I got the media, but I know because of fair use that I will not be sued!

This is really important for people that make documentaries because part of the powerfulness of the documentary is the raw footage. It's the different media clips with examples and interviews that make documentaries so strong. Fair use allows for these types of things to happen. If not, producers of documentaries would run into a few copyrighting issues and their production may not be as strong.

While looking for videos for my mashup, I came across this mashup that was quite interesting to me. It really twisted the original commercial's point but it used the same theme. This is the link for the original video and then watch the mashup video. Just a few short scenes can completely change the meaning to a video.

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