Thursday, September 23, 2010


I don't really think I'm like Firger. The only thing I use Google for is to search to web, and now, I guess, surf YouTube. The only reason I have a gmail account is because it was a requirement for this class. I'm a big believer in my good old fashion planner so I write everything down instead of using the calendar.

I think Google Ads are everywhere! My fiancee has a sweet new phone and Google has all of these applications that are so cool. I think a huge amount of their advertising comes from that. Cody has "Google Goggles," Which is when you take a picture of any product and Google will search for it and tell you all about it. Sweet.

The only reason I use Yahoo! is for movies. They've always got show times and stuff in every area, so it's nice to just type in your zip and away it goes. I guess I don't use it for anything else because Google is everywhere. Internet Explorer has a Google search bar, so I use the most of the time. The only time I use Mozilla is if I'm on campus.

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