Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fair Use

Fair use seems fairly complicated, but in all actuality it really isn't. Sure there are a lot of loopholes and what-not, but overall, as long as you are changing a preexisting message you're good. If I were to produce a film, I could use fair use in a way that changes a message of something I want people to understand. Say I'm using a song that is already made, I could set that song to something that is not completely related to it, but makes the audience think about it in a different way. I guess that sometimes I don't really understand fair use, but I do my best. Fair use for documentary makers is important because it allows them to use already existing pieces of work and use them to make their message stronger or to make the audience think about that work in a completely different way. It enables them to create a message that is even stronger than what they could have originally intended for too.

I'm not very big into watching videos on youtube. So, I'd say that I'm not very good at identifying mashups. I think this is an example of a mashup, but I'm not entirely sure.

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