Wednesday, September 22, 2010


After reading the article I tend to think that I relate to Dan Firger as one that constantly needs to be in the know. The second after I get out of class I am checking my phone for any important messages or missed calls and when I am by a computer I have to go through my list of my email addresses to try and keep in touch with everyone. We are a very technology focused world and we are deeply dependent on it too. If some part of our technology goes wrong then we are thrown into a spin because we no longer know how to act.

I tend to think that with Google advertising it is throughout your web surfing. They own many sites such as You Tube and Blogger and others vastly growing so for you to use these other websites you are essentially allowing Google to put there name out there and in a way suck you in. What I mean by this is that to have an account on You tube or blogger you have to have a Google account so it is like a members only club that Google is controlling. It truly dominates in the ciber space because it works hard to get there name out there and make sure that you are involved. It also gets their name out there by offering many different side items such as Gmail, Google earth, Google map, and some 40 other different helpful aids to you. I think that the one way that they will defiantly get bigger is by owning more website that are of popular hits. I am honestly not sure which ones at the moment but I have a feeling that Google may try to make a deal with say Facebook since that is still a very popular site for a wide age range. They are no low lying let it come when it comes type of search engine so I feel that with out a doubt they will only get bigger and better. Google only hires the best and smartest people who are visionary and have unthinkable goals for the future. They hire energetic people who have finally found a place where they can be challenged and like it. After all it is these people who were the ones to think of owning many websites.

Yahoo is vastly falling behind I believe because they don't have the same energetic and visionary team that Google has. They too try with their many sidebars for convenience and their advertising a couple of years ago was top notch but the steam engine has stopped and I am really not sure. One reason may be the convenience and simplicity that Google has. At times when I go to Yahoo the site may be a little overwhelming to me because everything is all on one page where Google has a drop down bar if you are wanting more options. I from a consumer point of view feel that the advertising company at Yahoo should talk with the advertising people from Google for some helpful hints as to how they (Google) is still so successful. I am not saying that Google needs to give the secret recipe away but they could offer some helpful hints.

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