Monday, September 20, 2010

Kelsey Krueger's Mash up

My mash up was to get my audience to focus on a whole new way of looking at movies, speeches, or their favorite characters. I loved working on this piece because the new movies fit perfect together. Home Alone and Aladdin are my two favorite movies. When I thought about this project I thought about doing something that can have a meaning, not to music. The meaning would be to help expand your horizon to looking at things when they are first brought to your attention! When first seeing your favorite movie you remember the lines and know the characters. As it all brings back memories I like to think and compare other movies that have some of the same scenes, but a different message. This mash up of the genie is where he is getting Aladdin out of the cave, and the home alone scene is where the little boy uses this clip to scare away the bad guys. I was inspired by every one's videos and kept thinking of more ways I could add on this in the future. This project helped gain more knowledge to all the different tools to make a message of communication.

-Kelsey K


  1. Kelsey I personally really enjoyed watching your mash up. I think your mash up worked really well together. Both clips worked! Maybe I am a little biased since I am also a big Disney Aladdin fan and also Home Alone. Good work! It was a very cleaver idea!

  2. Kelsey, I thought this was hilarious! It was so funny and it was really well laid out awesome work. I love Aladdin, and I know that I love that scene in Home Alone, where Kevin fools all of those people so funny, GREAT JOB!!!!

  3. You timed the countdown perfectly! Nice!

  4. Wow Kelsey! And you thought you couldn't think of a good idea! This is great! Home Alone and Aladdin are a few of my favorite movies too. They images from Aladdin fit perfectly with the audio!
