Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So I don't think I would put myself in that big of a category at Dan Firger, but I am right there in that group where any time of the day I will be looking up things on google. It doesn't matter what the topic is, movies, malls, maps, directions, stores, images, and more. I think google is one of those sites where I can get my information without feeling pressured to do something else or exit out of pop up advertisements like Professor Hubin said in the article "Planet Google wants you." When I think about research projects or questions in class, the first place I would be looking to find something out would be google. My friends sister is probably a little more quick around google, for she even uses it for math problems (haha). Even through I don't use it inbetween classes like Dan, I will use it at least 2-3 times a day.

I do not know much about google advertising strategies, besides they use very well intelligent systems to make your search the quickest and less difficult possible. "Aptocratic" grading the most popular sites searched for on the web? I definitely think that Google uses apotcrats to their advantage. Like now I went to search for movie times for a movie tomorrow and as soon as I stared typing they came up with the most popular for m the mo and so on. They want to find a way to know what your thinking before your even done finishing the sentence.

"In Web search, a link ends up high on the first page of search results if it has qualified in a mathematically demonstrable way. It must satisfy a number of tests of viability and quality. If it appears to have too many attributes that statistically correlate with untrustworthy pages," from Google and Aptocracy (46).
Really?? What business, human, scientist, teacher and so on isn't running their results searched my numbers and trust and quality? I would hope that the doctor knows what my medicine is going to do to me or that my teacher is wasting their time teaching us a lesson, if it all isnt based of that what does the world want to prove then? So I say bravo to google because they are just following what the rest of the world does .

Let's come up with another couple reasons to explain what happened to yahoo, o wait we only need one, GOOOGGLLLEE! Hello? I think that the competitor just got over done with advertisiments and useless information that got ahold of money to bribe yahoo. I think some of that information is a "just incase you forgot about" kind of stuff, but who doesn't forget that you have a horoscope or someone's birthday? Just like the picture 2:07 in Yahoo Previews article, it has all this information posted that may get your distracted about what your really after. In the end it all comes down to what they really use yahoo or google for and that would be to look up information. Don't get me completely wrong yahoo is a good site, but not for me! I will stick with google just because it has never served me wrong.

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