Monday, August 30, 2010


I enjoyed this article, it had a lot of memories and places to help me reflect back on to understand Lessig's argument/meaning. The sections of this article, Kodak, Just think!, 9/11 and open source software, relate to one another in more than a specific way than technology, but in a way of connection to a deeper meaning of our intelligence. They reflect off ways of us figuring out our universal way of democracy in today's and yesterdays way of learning. Lessig traces ways of enhancement of imagery, appearance, education and awareness through the sections in his article.
"A growing field of academics and activists sees this form of literacy as crucial to the next generation of culture." That quote by Lessig shares a common feeling in a true democracy in today's people because how unaware someone maybe to the experiences they get to enjoy.
Kodak captured the moments of our life's on the cheaper end of the wallet, while still reflecting interest and experiencing access to something with no ground rules or restrictions. Eastman's invention was a true meaning to one's freedom of expression. I liked the story of Kodak, because it takes you back to when things weren't so complicated in some form of technology.
Just Think gave children a sense of formality to help them learn and be guided through technology. When everywhere else in America already tries to tell children what to think, Just think allowed them to do it on their own with their way of using the media and technology to gain access to what they want to say.
9/11 Story not only touched base on a time where everyone remembers where they were, or what they were doing, but who they are as an American and what technology did to help us be apart of history. Blogging, TV, Internet, news, papers, articles, radios, where ever you were at the time those planes hit you where somehow aware of that devastating news. The "public consciousness" as Lessig calls it. So when we are all "public conscious" we take form in some kind of democracy towards the rule of the peoples right. That day had everything to do with discussing Americans right in fighting for our own democracy. "It was a beginning," As Lessig stated in the article.
Open-Source Software creates a completely new kind of learning platform for most. From projects to concepts in codes to software's. This is a free way of expression or in ones advantage to provide feed back on something that may help build our society. I like this concept in a way it helps us get more connected to anyone or any source out there to help further my knowledge on an interesting topic. Technology today is all around us, it's how we use it that determines the way of success of not. I use an email account to help connect to relates or friends around the world, but also to have a connection to stores, schools, work and different sources that now a day require it to be more a part of something.
Freedom is not how you see it, but how you earn it. If we don't take the time to reflect and be educated on all the opportunities technology has to offer then we can't be apart of a bigger democracy.

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