WHO ARE YOU? (FIRST NAME ONLY). Why are you majoring in ________. What has been the most important thing you've learned at UNI sofar (you can be either very detailed or very vague). What do you want to do in 5 years? And what are your passions and talents?
My name is Emily! I'm from a small town in southern Iowa and I'm an Interpersonal Communication major. This is my third and final year at UNI, and I have learned that one of the most important things to be successful is a proper balance in life. Friends, school, alone time, and exercise are very important and each needs its place in my life. I'm getting married July 16th, 2011, so in five years I hope to have a few kids, and to have earned my MA in Student Affairs. I really love reading and different foods. My skills include baking a mean cookie and producing an above average outcome in group projects.
ReplyDeleteI am Natasha!
ReplyDeleteI am majoring in General Communication because I love talking to people and am really interested in why people do the things they do. Interpersonal communication is super interesting to me as well as nonverbal.
The most important thing I have learned at UNI thus far is to take every opportunity and use every resource that is given to you to its full potential. Never take anything for granted and put forth full effort in everything you are passionate about.
In 5 years I hope to have an established career doing something that I love, hopefully involving something with Communication and coordinating events, perhaps. I also hope to do a little bit of traveling and move out of the Midwest to work for a while too.
My passion in life is living it to the fullest. I am passionate about my friends, family, and those who support me. I am passionate about taking in my surroundings and love enjoying summer and fall afternoons in the sunshine.
Hey, my name is Emma and I am majoring in General Communications, and I think I just decided to have an emphasis on journalism, mainly because I am a people person, I love talking to people, getting to know them, and meeting new people. I guess you could say that I am a definite people person. I think that I decided to go with an emphasis in journalism mainly because I love writing and I love observing people and writing about it which is why I would love to be a reporter for a new channel, a magazine, or anything where I could be a good journalist.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing that I have learned at UNI so far is to never take anything for granted because college goes by so fast and at the end of my college experience I never want to think what if or why did I let that opportunity slip right by. I want to try every opportunity that lands right in my lap.
In 5 years I hope to be a journalist somewhere, and I also hope that I am just happy because I don't want to be doing something where I am not happy.
I am very passionate about my sorority and about the choirs that I am involved in here at UNI. I find myself to be a very talented singer, but not as amazing to win American Idol. I am so passionate about my friends and family because they are who help me breathe and anchor me down and keep me sane.
My name is Jeffrey, I'm from Garner, IA and I'm a general communications major. I am in my third year at UNI and enjoy running e-commerce websites and hanging out with friends In 5 years I hope to have a e-commerce website that is successful enough to make that my full-time job.
ReplyDelete*I am from Clear Lake, IA
*I am a Senior studying General Studies/Special Education
*I have learned the importance of hard work and good relationships with classmates and teachers.
*In five years I want to continue to work with adults with disabilities and help enrich their lives. Being in a supervisor position.
*My passion and talent is working with children and adults with disabilities. I am passionate with my friends and family and always being there for everyone.
My name is Pablo Pena I'm majoring in General Communications because I have tried a variety of different majors and felt I wanted to do something with Communications since I am also minoring in TESOL (teaching English to Speakers of other languages).
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing I have learned at UNI would be to take advantage of all the different opportunities that are available here.
In 5 years I hope to be in a career that I can use my communication skills also I plan to help my community by offering English Classes to children and adults.
Family is something that is very important to me because they have always been there for me. My culture is also very important.
ReplyDeleteHello my name is Kyle and I am from CF. I am majoring in General Com. My most important thing that I have learned here at UNI and a lot of hard work will get you where you want to go in the future. In five years I would like to see myself working under the Public Relations director at Western Home Communities so that I can work in my ideas and thoughts to help the company grow. My passion is working with the elderly since I have worked at WHC for seven years I feel my passion shows. Another passion is my family as they are my life. I am always there for them and I hope they will be there for me. Excited to see where this class will take me.
I am Becky Lorentzen!
ReplyDeleteI am a Public Relations major, marketing and journalism minor. I am senior and this is my last semester at UNI. I have learned many things in my years at college. The most important is multitasking and balancing school, work, and social life. I was also in a sorority for four years, I feel like I have learned a lot about life by being in a sorority and balancing everything else in my life. I hope in five years that I am married with a successful job. I am hoping to move to Des Moines at the end of the year and find a job in Public Relations/Communications in the Des Moines area. My family and friends are very important to me so I am very passionate about them. I love working out and fitness and health in very important to me as well. I hope to live a long, healthy, successful life!
My Name is Tim. I am majoring in General Communication. I am majoring in communication because I like communicating with people and I find it interesting how people interact in different situations.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing I have learned at UNI is the importance of hard work. Before I came to UNI i was unsure of how far hard work can get you. I feel you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it and you work hard.
I am not sure where I want to be in 5 years. Hopefully have a good job and in the process of buying a house.
I am passionate about my friends and family. I would not be the person I am without them there to help me form who I am today.
My name is Sean and I am majoring in General Communication. This is my third major now that I am a senior, but I truly feel like I have finally found my groove. I love talking to other people and consider myself to be very outgoing. I am hoping I can utilize my passion for interaction and communication to enter into a career as a spokesperson for a company.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing I have learned at UNI is how to knock down the walls that prevent me from focusing and learning and finding ways to manage my time well. Also I have learned that I have to slow myself down and to take in the things that are going on around me in order to truly appreciate the phases of my life I am experiencing. College has gone by too quickly!
In 5 years I would like to be a spokesperson for a company somewhere warm. I HATE winter and wouldn't miss the snow and cold weather one bit.
My passion in life is music and friends. Every chance I get I am either playing music on my guitar or keyboard, or trying to discover new bands that I may like. Without friends I don't believe I could keep my sanity.
Hello, my name is Bailey. I am a General Communication major because I am extremely interested in my people do the things that they do. I have always been interested in people and am extremely curious about what they are doing and why they are doing these activities. Therefore, I decided to pursue General Communication because I felt it would give me a broad understanding of people.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing that I have learned at UNI is to be yourself and be accepting of who other people are. This is not something that is covered in a classroom setting, but is definitely acquired during time spent in a classroom and through other various social activities. I have also learned that it's very important to get involved in something on campus whether it be an organization or a committee. I myself find it very fulfilling to be a member of a sorority. It teaches me to be hardworking, loyal, and caring. Not that I didn't already have these skills, belonging to something makes these characteristics more profound.
In five years I will have graduated from UNI and will hopefully have a job doing something that I love. I am not entirely sure what I want to be doing with my major, but I do know that everything in the world revolves around Communication, so skills that I have will be useful somewhere. I also hope to be married and possibly have a child, and if not, I want to have a dog.
I am passionate about my sorority and all of the activities that surround it. I am also passionate about reading and I read all of the time, this doesn't really include text books, which is kind of a shame but out of my control. My brain just doesn't agree with them. I guess you could say that some of my talents include being caring, responsible, and kind of fun to be around. Well, fun within a lot of reasons. I can kind of doodle, but it's really not a huge talent. I suppose I'm pretty passionate about my friends, mainly maintaining friendships and trying to keep things new and exciting.
Hey all! My name is Katelin. I grew up in a tiny town called Conrad about 45 minutes from Cedar Falls.
ReplyDeleteI am majoring in Individual Studies: Professional Writing and Editing. The 'individual studies' is tacked on because I created a major from scratch to adapt to what I was most interested in learning about and someday having a career in. I am lucky in that I have known what I wanted to do for a career since I was in fifth grade: write. Ideally I would like to be come a novelist, but realistically I know I need something else to fall back on, which is where the professional writing and editing comes in. I love almost everything to do with writing and editing (and yes, I do truly enjoy editing papers and such), which is why I chose that as my major.
The most important thing I have learned at UNI is probably that, no matter how hard you work and how much effort you put in, there is never a guarantee. This is true whether it is with work, school, or even your personal life. You just have to take what life hands you and make the best of it all.
Five years from now is a blur. This is just my second year at UNI (I am a 2nd year junior), and I have so many paths ahead of me to choose from. I could be doing anything from getting my masters, to writing full-time, to working in graphic design setting. So I really can't say with any certainty where I will be in 5 years.
I definitely lean toward the creative side of the spectrum when it comes to passions and talents. I love to write (shocking, I know), read, sing and even draw and paint. I am also extremely interested in philosophy, and even considered majoring in it. Family is the most important thing to me, above even school. There is so much more, for I am extremely passionate about everything I care about, but to name them all would be much to long of a post.
Hey, my name is Will. I am majoring in Liberal Studies to take a variety of courses. I've learned keeping up with the reading makes life a lot easier. In five years I plan to have a stable job, a place to live, and a dog. I'm interested in outdoor survival skills.
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ReplyDeleteHi, I’m Amy! I’m a General Communication major. I’ve always been a people person. I love talking to, watching, listening to, teaching to, learning from (the list goes on) people. I always say that if I could be guaranteed only honors classes, I would be a teacher. But, I know that I wouldn’t be able to handle a class like the one I graduated with without strangling someone. For that reason, and because I’m planning to move back near my very small hometown, I chose Communication. There are so many different things that I can do with this major, and I don’t want to be too specialized because I know there wouldn’t be many opportunities for me where I plan to live.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing I’ve learned at UNI so far is that taking the time to get to know your professors really pays off. They can open up so many opportunities for you if you will just get to know them.
In five years, I would love to have a position in Public Relations, Human Resources or College Admissions. Hopefully I will be settled down enough to think about starting a family. My plan is to postpone working and stay home with my children until they are all in school. Of course, that plan depends on finances, but if I am lucky enough to have that opportunity I will surely take it.
I have a wonderful family and enjoy spending as much time as possible with them. I love reading, writing, shopping and watching movies. I enjoy being active and spending time outside. My talents include writing and acting. I was a two-time All-State Speech participant in acting, wrote for my school newspaper, and received numerous awards for stories and essays since I was in elementary school. I enjoyed acting and speech very much in high-school, but I have no desire to pursue acting professionally.
My name is Alicia. I live in Blairstown, Iowa, although am not from that area. After some career changes I have settled on the communication field. I am majoring in Communication Education because I want to teach communication courses at a community college.
ReplyDeleteI have learned many things at UNI such as perseverance, organization skills, and balancing life, although one of the most important things I have learned would include DISC Behavior Skills training. This training integrates the personalities of people and how they react with those personalities to sales and everyday life. I have not only used this training in my career, I have also used it in general life experiences and encounters with people. This skill will be useful in the ways I have used it in the past and also when I have a career in education. The skill will allow me to communicate with students in a manner that their personalities accept.
I plan to be teaching soon after graduation, and within five years plan to be at a college with a permanent teaching position. I am passionate about education and non institutional learning and am excited to be a part of students’ experiences. I would like to teach at a community college because I appreciate their mission, vision, and students.
I have taught students in the past on subjects other than communication and I believe I have a talent for teaching. My other talents include baking, organization, and I have been told I have a talent for making the most of a situation.
Hello everyone, my name is Jeff.
ReplyDeleteMy photo
I’m majoring in Communication (General). After attending one semester undecided, speaking with advisors, and reading about the different programs, I decided Communication sounded like a good fit for me.
The most valuable piece of wisdom I’ve picked up during my first year at UNI is that I have no clue how many academic and career paths there are. I realize that doesn’t really sound like wisdom, but to me it’s inspiring. Speaking with other students, I hear about new occupations that I’d never even considered (let alone knew existed).
After I graduate, I’d like to find a job that suits my personality and allows me to help others. I’m content with simple living and I would prefer a sense of purpose, rather than a large salary.
The most important thing in my life is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I’d be lying if I said that matters of faith weren’t the foremost thing on my mind. Most of my free time is spent babysitting or hanging out with my niece and nephew. I get along well with children, probably because I haven’t grown up yet myself!
ReplyDeleteHello all, I am Jenna!
I have just recently declared a major in General Communications. I have a pretty rough college story. UNI is the fourth school I have attended since I graduated high school in 2007. At each of the schools I had always been undecided, but after attending UNI's orientation I was no longer in that group. I chose Communications because I feel like I have strong people skills. I can easily strike up a conversation with someone and enjoy learning about and meeting new people.
So far, my experience at UNI has been pretty enlightening. At orientation I took a career matcher survey and it really taught me a lot about myself. After all, taking that survey helped me finally choose a major. I am actually somewhat excited about school because I feel like I have something to look forward to now.
In the next five years, I hope to have graduated from UNI with a Communications degree and getting a job that I am happy to be going to everyday. My salary is important to me, but I do not want to hate my job so if I happen to fall upon something with low pay that is still very rewarding, thats okay with me. I also would like to be married by then and possibly started a family.
My passion is dance. I have been involved with dance since I was five years old and haven't stopped since then. Now, I am a teacher in the studio I grew up in and I love every minute of it. The downside is that I have to drive an hour each way two nights a week, but I can't imagine not being able to dance.
Hey my name is Emily and I'm an Interpersonal Communication major from Iowa City. I chose interpersonal comm because I'm really interested in family communication studies and it was the closest I could get to! I'm also double minoring in family studies and women's and gender studies.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing I have learned so far at UNI is to use my resources and do not be afraid to ask questions. Using places like the writing center and study groups has really helped me out in my college career.
In 5 years I would like to be working on (or finishing up) my masters in Human Development and Family Studies or Interpersonal Comm. I want to work for a non-profit organization and do family education programming (hopefully). For now, I'm really passionate about creativity, music, and the people that I surround myself with. I love to craft, listen and play music and spend time with my friends and family.
ReplyDeleteI am a English major with a creative writing minor thing.
I am majoring in English because I like reading some types of things like books. And it seemed like it would be a really good idea to major in something that I liked to do all the time, but that was before I thought about it and before I realized I wouldn't always get to choose what I was gon be readin, and then I found out I had to do a whole semester on Chaucer, and another whole one on some Shakespeare thing, and then one on this guy called, like Tennyson or something, ghhhhhhh.
You don't get to just read Kurt Vonnegut and Thomas Pynchon.
UM, one important thing I learned was like UNI BASKETBALL or something.
In five years I want to either be teaching other kids about reading books, or writing television shows, like really good situational comedies.
I AM passionate about writing things and I don't like grammar or punctuation because they are sooooo boooooring and they have never made any piece of writing more interesting to read so I hate them and I wish they would stop harping on that stuff when little kids are little because then the little kids worry about it forever and even though good grammar and punctuation and spelling is probably some kind of important in a lot of professional settings
i think it
My Talents: listening
OK HERE is a picture of me because apparently we are supposed to put one up? but I DON KNO if it will work because th INTERNT is HARD
Hello, My name is Kelsey. I am majoring in organizational communication. I never really planned on going into communication because I just changed my degree from business. I have always loved marketing and representing a business, so I have always thought business was the right area. Well after a tough semester of figuring out business wasn't for me, I later switched to communication. Ever since then I have been very intrigued and happy with my switch. I don't know exactly my plans for my future in communication, but I know I want to do great things! The most important thing I have learned at UNI is to really follow your dreams and to put your hard work into something you love, and later it will all pay off for you. In 5 years I would like to follow my dreams in my career and maybe move somewhere to represent a bigger organization. I would hope to be settled down with my long term boyfriend of 2 and a half years, but we will see what comes in 5 years. My passions in life have always been to be a strong individual and follow what the day brings you. If you can't learn something everyday, you didn't listen carefully. I have lots of passions in sports, God, school, work, and family. A couple of my talents would be I am an artist, dancer, hard worker, and devoted to anything I put my mine to. Thank you for listening and I am looking forward to a good semester.
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Nana. I am majoring in General Communications. I am a people person and love to talk so I thought this was an appropriate major. This is only my second semester here at UNI, and in this short amount of time, I learned to take advantage of what UNI provides. For an example, tutoring. In 5 years, I hope to have a successful career and possibly have a family. . . Maybe 10 years for the last part!! I am not very talented, but I am a proud knitter! How often do you see a 21 year old knitting?