This article first started off talking about Kodak, the camera and that's when my attention was instantly caught. Just reading this article and reading about how much work one man put into creating just a small simple device that we all use today blows my mind. I honestly can't imagine the world without cameras or pictures. The world is beautiful, but with the help of cameras and pictures we are able to catch the beauty of the world and express it. In this article he also expressed why he named it Kodak "You press the button, we do the rest." I find that so true because that's what cameras do they save the pictures on film or in a memory card, then all you have to do is to go and get them printed out.
I love Just Think! Imagining a school bus filled with all different types of mass media supplies, but especially that of camera film is awesome. I feel that it's important in the early years of a child's life to understand what type of technologies there are out in the world today and how to use them correctly. I also find it very, very cool how these mass media supplies are put in school buses that are painted in out-going and fun colors because when you see school buses the first thing that usually comes to mind are children or elementary school so I also like the irony in how it's on school buses for children.
After the events of 9/11 the blog got very important where people could go and disclose all they wanted because people were in a time of distress and agony so the blog was a way to have conversations, but you weren't necessarily tying all of your conversations together. The blog was made simply to help people ease the pain. It also talks about how blogs are the most important type of discourse that we have today, and I totally agree with that because everyone reads blogs and everyone criticizes a blog and adds to them.
Open-Source/Free Software is free shared software that anyone is able to use and if they don't understand anything about it they are able to tinker with the code and to get themselves aware of what it is. It sets a platform for a new kind of learning because you are able to understand and learn different things about a certain type of technology which I think is really cool, because they are offering up a learning experience for free, just to understand it better.
All in all, I actually really liked this article probably because I actually could understand it and I have a very big interest in technology of any kind. I feel that all of these connected together mainly because it enabled everyone to have a new kind of learning experience to get themselves more aware of the technologies around them and work with them as much as possible.
I understood this one a lot more, as well. :)