Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I find most things in Copyright pretty ridiculous. I get that it's wrong to download music without paying for it. BUT, the lengths to which these people go to insure that their work will remain completely theirs is absolutely ridiculous. I know people have talked about the birthday song, but I loved that the letter sent to the author read that it was confidential material. Every child in America knows that song, for crying out loud.

The purpose of copyright, according to Congress, is "to promote science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries." I think that's a reasonable thing, but I also think it infringes upon our creativity. I think the best ideas are not created from our own selves, but from the building upon from our colleagues. It also mentioned how "This Land is Our Land" is now copyrighted so that musicians cannot release different lyrics to the tune. I think that's ridiculous. I mean, what qualifies as a musician, first off? I can sing (not always well, but still). Is someone going to sue me if I stand on top of the union and sing away about women's rights? Maybe. And that's the ridiculous part.

I think Quirk said it best when he said, "..tough shit you fucking clown!" Telling a band they are not allowed to repeat what was said in the past because it now belongs to someone else seems pretty ridiculous to me, and I feel that sometimes someone just needs to man up and tell people who are so greedy that they can't even continue to share that they need to wear a helmet if they're going to be that touchy.

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