Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Commons

When reading the material assigned I found myself lost throughout almost half of it. The one topic that really confused me was how a democracy was being tied into a library, so I referred to the dictionary, and found the same material that Bailey used. I used the 3rd definition as well, because to me that was the only way I could tie in a democracy to a library. I feel the 3rd definition is the best because it stats that a democracy is a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. By this definition I feel that it is saying that and public person is welcome into the library to use their resources for the person's needs or wants. I feel people now are amazed by the internet and feel that the internet is the best place to get info instead of the library like the maybe once thought. Libraries do not get the use out of them like they used to and it's a shame, I find myself guilty of this as well. When we had to go to the library for class the other week I found myself completely lost which isn't a good at all!

When trying to comprehend Vaidhyanathan’s article I found some trouble, I was having a hard time really understanding what he was saying, from what I got out of it though he was basically saying that we need to utilize our libraries because they are like an anarchy in a way, they like to share free information.

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